Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh Camp

As a part of the Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh elective the group had the opportunity to complete their “Adventurous Journey” section of their certificate this term. This adventurous journey found us at Wilson’s Promontory National Park; a 250km drive away at the Southernmost tip of the Australian mainland. During our two-night stay at Tidal River campgrounds the boys hiked over 20kms through bushland and isolated beaches. The first day of hiking brought us to the top of Mount Oberon, which overlooks the Wilson’s Promontory coastline where its peak sits 558 metres above sea level. The boys also had the opportunity to complete a kayaking lesson which gave them the chance to paddle their way along Tidal River.

In preparation for the camp our students worked hard on learning some basic camping skills and were introduced to the importance of how minimal impact is pivotal in ensuring we keep Australia’s unique flora and fauna preserved for years to come. They cooked their own dinners on small outdoor stoves, they set up their own sleeping areas with tents and followed important steps to ensure everyone was safe. The wildlife seen by the students on his trip included wombats, echidnas, wallabies, native birds and even one friendly brown snake.

The students themselves seemed to enjoy the experience and I hope they take away some important lessons from the camp. Their behaviour was fantastic and they represented Sirius College well as they took on a new challenge. Well done boys!

Mr David Streets
Duke of Edinburgh/PE Teacher